Sunday, November 26, 2006

Today's Lexicon...

Thanks to the folks at Bravo for the meticulously recording every detail. Let's start off with the words that had our crowd oohing and aahing last Wednesday night. You never know when those big SAT words are going to pop out.

DIAMETRICALLY OPPOSED: Betty & Marcel...Frank & Marcel...ok, anybody & Marcel

OXYMORONIC: Chef Anthony & Michael

BRAGGADOCIOUS: Insert your choice here...

My phrases that will hopefully become part of the American vernacular...





Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is too funny! Are they all on the show? Good luck carlos, break an egg!!!

10:03 PM  
Blogger The Java Junkie said...

We loved "break an egg", but "It's not crap on a plate" still rules!!
The Gals

12:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i dont care what anyone says, you are still OUR Top Chef... Betty must go down !!

1:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Betty RULES, and you SUCK. I have many ways to insult you, but I won't 'cuz you'll just cry.

Thank GOD you left....

9:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

betty gives women a bad name. all cute on the outside and pure devil-bitch on the inside. plus, she "cant cook anything but comfort food".. she should have hit the bricks when she cheated with the sugar in her cookies.. i hope she gets it hard.. hopefully from Marcel, for some real fun..

9:57 PM  
Blogger Chef Carlos Fernandez said...

dear anonymous 9:18pm -- So glad you have your favorite. I wish Betty all the best. This is all fun and no untruths are published on my blog. Try to lighten up a little and enjoy the show!
chef carlos

7:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Betty is the one that turns on the crocodile tears when necessary... cheater. Carlos should still be there and she should be home licking her wounds.. BUT, we are glad he's back home with the people that love him, not the backstabbers on the show. Or the bald judge with no taste buds.

6:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

HEY.....I love and adore you Chef Carlos...But when did you use the Don't go all Betty on me???

I was sure I made that one up on the TC boards last week...Ahhhhhh

I thought I was famous for

It happens all the time on my other boards..You use a lexicon and other peeps start using them too.....I always say tomox for tommorrow and everyone is catching on.

Well that's the name of them chickens.

Another one of mine that is sweeping the nation :o)))

I'm in Stuart and hope to see you soon at your cafe.

I had no idea you had to stand there for an hour in front of the judges..WOW..Grueling and YES......I'd be over it too.

Peeps are really brutal on these boards...IGNORE!!

You are gawwjuss.

When I do come see ya ' PUUULEEESE

Don't go all Betty on

BIG HEARTS...Kristlkrost!

10:12 AM  
Blogger Chef Carlos Fernandez said...

Kristlkrost, I love are famous...Kudos to you. We been running around the cafe spouting top chefisms. Nice to know the true source. Stuart is not that far. When you come in, please introduce your self. Would love to meet you. And I promise not to Bettifry ya'. lol Thanks

12:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really was only kidding
kinda' as it happens so much..I usually write(stolen) when I steal someones 'ism'

I am cracking up at the thought of you all running around saying TC 'isms'!!!

Too funny.

I LOVE word play and you get IT!!!

Many of my sisters peeps live in Ft. Lauderdale and are Cuban and will see if they know your cafe'.

I have asked the peeps on TC boards for more 'isms' for you.

I don't want to be Bettyfried..but would LOVE to be "Sam-wiched"(mine)

or Cliffinated(stolen).

Why you godda' be taken and gay??

You are one handsome devil ya' know.*wink*

I just read your I wanna' live post..What am I doing here with these freaks????LOL.

Too funny!

I'm an agnostic but what the hell.....Can't hurt

God bless you and your beuatiful smile!

3:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ignore the snide remarks. You rule. You are talented, charming, and gorgeous, with your beautiful smile and your complexion that has that glow.
And your dishes deserved to be reviewed glowingly too, and between you, me, and the walk-in fridge, Chef Tomasito DOESN'T have any taste buds, and although I was sorry to see you go, I'm glad you are back among those you care for.
Break an egg! And I suggest you find a way to market your avocado-vanilla-marshmallow ice cream, because that sounds DELICIOSO!

4:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Chef Carlos,
I will vouch for Kristlkrost. She used "if you promise not to go all Betty on me" on the TC board last week. When we were cyber mud-wrestling for the affections of a certain actor. Does this mean I'm famous, too?

May I suggest a product from the PR board for the nasty comments? Try Igsnore 1.0, created by ArtInstigator, formatted by Iron Chef, and available through the site. Works like a charm!

seasoned eatings,
AI, one of the PR peeps
p.s.loved your cookie recipe

12:12 AM  
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9:29 PM  

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